Sunday, 31 July 2011

Sunday Service on 31st July 2011

Laurence Jones from Grace Fellowship spoke on John 9 concerning the miracle of the man born blind receiving his sight. He spoke on the blindness of unbelief in the light of the Light of the World.
Faith is not a leap into the dark but a step into the light whereas unbelief is darkness, irrational, blindness, prejudiced and miss focused.   It cannot see the good that is done and is perversion.    Miracles won't help, it's not a problem with the evidence but the will of man that it in bondage.  Man is not neutral and his will is not free, he needs a miracle of God's grace to save him.     Those who claim to see already don't realise their blindness and their need of Jesus Christ.   "Jesus said to them "If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say "we see."  Therefore your sin remains" John 9 v 41

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Sunday Services

This Sunday 24th July 2011 marked our first anniversary of officially meeting together on a Sunday. The meeting was taken by Roger Fay, the pastor of Zion Evangelical Baptist Church, Ripon.

He spoke on Mark chapter 9 verse 29 "So He (Jesus) said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting".

We were reminded of the reality of a personal devil and Satan at his worse in the case of the boy with an unclean spirit. The nine impotent disciples who caved in and stopped trying under the pressure of this extraordinary evil.
There is hope "This kind can come out" and Jesus did cast out the spirit.

Finally we considered the phrase " but by prayer and fasting", which was seen not merely as abstaining from food but a concentration in prayer through a particular way of life through self denial.